Four and half years ago when I had our first child very few people in our world were "wearing babies" or cloth diapering. All of us were on the look out for the lightest, coolest looking car seat/carrier cause we knew we'd be lugging it around for a year or so. For those who were going to be active with their babies it was all about the Baby Bjorn. Not one to miss a trend (snort!), I went out and bought a brand new Baby Bjorn and did use it quite a bit with our first. Yet with each child it's gotten less and less use. Probably because my original intention for it (long walks in the evenings) were few and far between. With A, I was given an Over the Shoulder Baby Holder ring sling (no joke, that is the name) and used it some with her. I always felt that it was too bulky and never felt that it was really secure. So it too got used less and less. When J came along, I tried all of the above plus a generic Moby wrap type thing and hated them all. Just recently I bought a Sachi baby mai tai carrier from a friend. Alas, my kids are too tall for it and hate it!
Now that we are expecting baby #4 I'm finding out that NOBODY carries baby in a car seat anymore. It's ALL about the baby wearing. And really I'm not all that excited to carry that #$%^ car seat/carrier anyway. So now to figure what baby carrier to buy. There are now more versions of baby wearing then you can shake a stick at and one seemingly for every age. However, I really don't want four different baby wearing/carrying things. So far what I've found is that the best all stages/ages carrier is the Beco butterfly, which I really like, though the price has me in significant sticker shock. REALLY? $140 just to carry your baby? The Boba is similar for only $100 but doesn't offer cute designer fabrics (like they look any better with poop and puke on them). The Boba makers only recommend their SSC (soft-sided carrier) for ages 3 months and up and state that a wrap type carry is best. Both of these brands (Beco and Boba) are recommended over the Ergo baby carrier, so I guess that rules out that one. In looking at wraps or slings (which I haven't had good experience with)for the tiny newborn, the two that rise to the top are the Sleepy Wrap and the Hotsling. The Sleep wrap is the exact same design as the Moby, but looks easier to use as you wrap it around yourself TIGHT first and then put baby in. The material has plenty of stretch to hold baby snug against you. Though I'm not thrilled at the idea of the whole wrap and tie thing, it does look cozy and is reasonably priced at $40-$60. The Hotsling is a slimmer version of the the ring sling, without the ring. You have to buy size specific and I guess sizing can be an issue. It does look easier to carrier a tiny one around in then the wrap and lots less bulky then a ring sling. It is readily available at such places like Target for $40.
Sometimes I wish I could just try them all first and then decided which was worth the money. I will have to rely solely on the opinions I find online and all my baby-wearing friends and neighbors.
In giving suggestions please keep in mind that my babies grow like weeds and while may still be in the weight range for a certain item are a good 6-12 in. too tall. J grew out of the Bjorn before he was one, and neither he nor A fit in the mai tai (even though they are within the weight range). The material doesn't go far enough up their backs and it feels like they are going to fall out. So I need something that can either grow with them or accommodates 3ft tall 18 mo olds. :)
Any ideas and opinions are very much appreciated.
Did you ever try just a wrap? I have one and a DVD with instructions for all the ways to wrap it. I can still put Charlotte in it if I really wanted to. :) Hope you get lots of ideas.
You could hang around me more and I could just hold your baby for you. You should see me trying to get Brad or Emily into one of those carriers. When did they both get taller than me?? :)
there is a place in town that sells both the Beco and Ergo, so you can try them on- Baby Cotton Bottoms? I think, they have limited hours, so call first. If you want to decide now what you want go try them on soon before you get too much baby belly. Otherwise wait till after :-) (Maybe I can go with you and you can borrow T to get a smaller baby feel)
I think that nursing store over on Academy & Vickers also carries some that you can try on.
You can also try him in the MeiTai and see what you think. I like it when he is awake and doesn't need to fall asleep. He has fallen asleep a couple times in the MeiTai, but he is easier to carry and stay sleeping if I use the tighter fabric wrap when I want him to sleep.
I also put A in the Mei Tai last night - she was wanting to be carried and a crab and I needed to get dinner going. It actually was pretty easy to "hold" her, way less "weight", but a little awkward to work around. She loved it.
I have also drooled over the Beco..... maybe start watching Craigslist for some?
There are some side carry styles too, I find they aren't quite as easy on the back as a front carry BUT they are easier on the bigger babies. I can usually wear to about halfway through a pregnancy too. Remind me Fri and you can try mine on. Won't work for an infant, but past about 6 mo when they have good head control they are okay.
Maybe the side carry would be better for the bigger kids?
Wow, you have really researched this! I have no opinion or knowledge in this. If we ever have another one, even if it is not cool, I'd think I will be just carrying the carseat carrier so I can set them down or just snap them in the stroller. Seems much easier to me. But with #4, it may be better to always carry them with you so you know where they are, huh?
If you'd like to come over and try the Beco with a newborn you are more than welcome to;-). I absolutely love it (as do Jess and Schelijn) and I have found it worth every penny. I use it almost daily already with Elinor and love that you can use it from the time the are born and up.
Of course with your fourth you really don't need anything else for the baby (especially as you already have children of both genders in the house) so you could always make a suggestion to friends/family that it would make a perfect group gift:-)
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