A lot of parents joke about their kids becoming famous (as movie stars, singers or sports figures) and taking care of them in retirement, but we take it seriously! ;)
NOT really, but the way we grow boys around here you would think so. Today I took J and A in for their check-ups. Both are healthy and very normal for their age (developmentally) minus J's gross motor skills of course. A is our tall, thin girl at 38.5in and only 32.5 lbs. J on the other hand is 28.5lbs but 36.25in tall!! He's only two inches shorter then Abi. He is also 3/4 of an inch taller then D was at this age! Volleyball and B-Ball here we come! lol! Of course we are just happy to have everyone healthy and growing, even if we will have to take out loans to feed them as teenagers! Just last night K said "Maybe we should have another girl, they don't eat as much!" :)
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