Saturday, May 22, 2010

Season of Extremes

I'm not usually one to complain about the weather much as I grew up here (CO) and am used to a wide range of weather even in one day. But maybe I'm getting old or something cause I'm rather put out that we went from 40-50's last week to 85!!!! today. Hellooo! A little gradual warm up would be nice. At least enough time to have the HVAC guy come out to get our swamp cooler going. Sigh! Our house is in the high seventies right now and I have no way to cool it off. Poor babies trying to sleep too.

Ok.. going to practice a spirit of thankfulness and thank God for the warm sun and wind that is rapidly spreading seed pods everywhere. I guess it's His way of "planting". :) I have to keep reminding myself that His ways are not my ways and His thoughts are sooo much higher then mine.

1 comment:

Bob Weber said...

I agree. This happened last year too. It's like we missed spring.