Friday, June 11, 2010


Today my first baby turns four. Where has the time gone? It really doesn't seem like all that long ago I was sitting through an excrutiatingly hot June while being embarrassingly "over" pregnant. And then after what seemed like forever, our precious son was born.

3 days old

 He has changed in ways I didn't think he would and in other ways is becoming who I saw long ago. D is shy with new kids his own age, but very bold and friendly with adults. D's two passions in life are books and baseball. He can spend hours doing either. D is on the verge of reading and has memorized some words that he sees frequently. It is sweet to see him now teaching his sister letters and their sounds.

1st Birthday

 Lately D and I have been working on social niceties and general manners. Basic things like what to say when someone asks your name and how old you are. Funny how so many things I don't remember learning and must have been taught somewhere. It brings joy to my heart to see D learning and growing in knowledge and character. D does still struggle to be kind to his sister (who frankly is a pill at times), but is super sweet with his baby brother.

2nd Birthday

D loves to help, to feel special, to be recognized, and to just be a boy. I am happy and proud of the little man he is becoming. Yet nervous and a little bit scared of the responsibility K and I share in raising him. Thank God for His grace that covers my many many imperfections.

3rd Birthday

Four years old!

Happy Birthday my beautiful boy!

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