Monday, May 17, 2010

Out of sight, out of mind

Today, as she has for the last several days, A did not take a nap and instead tore her room apart. For some reason ever since we broke her thumb sucking habit last week, she has had a hard time going to sleep. I suppose she's just trying to figure out how to soothe herself now. Anyway, when it was time to get up I had her clean up her room, which she did a good job of. I went to check her work and I looked in the closet and found it still a mess. Here's how the ensuing conversation went:

Me: A, what about your closet? It's still a mess.

A: Oh, just close the door.

Me: But it's still messy.

A: Close your eyes?

Lol! How is she figuring these things out already?!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

That's too funny :-) Caeden told me yesterday, "this is my last clean tee-shirt, I guess we need to go buy more". I told him "we are doing laundry tomorrow and we'll just wash all the ones you have, okay?" He answered, "Nah, it's easier to just go buy more" - made me laugh!