Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lessons from Lent

It has been two weeks now that I've given up FB, blogging, and computer games for Lent (with a break on feast days). It has been a great experience for me. I find I'm not wasting time doing truly unproductive and unprofitable things. I have time to read more books, interact with my children and husband in a more personal way, and time to study and meditate on God's word.

I am also noticing that now that I'm not meeting my need for community through cyber-space I am more proactive in getting together with people in person. Not surprisingly this type of interaction is far more satisfying then anything the computer world can provide. I'm not intending on giving up FB or blogging (obviously) but instead use them as the tools they are meant to be, let them facilitate the face to face meetings, etc.

I love the idea of giving up of myself and my habits (even if they aren't inherently evil) to focus on Christ and His amazing work on the cross for me and all who would believe. While many still stumble on the idea of Lent as being used to gain God's favor, I embrace Lent as another opportunity to worship and glorify my God who extends in grace to my and lavishes me with His love.

As we approach Resurrection Sunday, may your hearts be renewed with the love of God, the mystery of His ways, the beauty of His majesty, and the sweetness of His grace!

1 comment:

Michele said...

Good for you for giving up computer time. I feel that is something that I always need to regulate and do a pretty poor job of it. Blessings to you in this Lent season.