Monday, February 8, 2010

Dr's Appointments and ER vists

This has been a busy week for the Fisk household in regards to visiting some member of the medical profession.

A started it all off on Thurs night by biting through her lip when she slipped on the bathroom stool and knocked her chin on the sink. So it was off to the ER we went. I made the tragic mistake of succumbing to good marketing and taking A to Memorial's "new" pediatric ER. Of course they fail to mention that the peds ER still shares the same waiting area with the adult ER and has nothing available to occupy a young hyper child late at night. Also they failed to communicate that they were only going to staff ONE pediatric ER physician at night. Was there a back up? Heck yeah! We waited 2 hours to get to a room (which by the way was very nicely done), an hour to see the Dr initially, and then almost an hour and a half for him to come back and do the stitches. He wasn't an unpleasant or incompetent Dr, just highly overworked. A didn't get home until 1:30 in the morning (we left for the ER around 7:30pm). Surprisingly, she stayed awake the whole time and talked non-stop! I ended up going home around 11, while K stayed with her the rest of the night. I was exhausted from just trying to keep her off the floor and from injuring some other part of her. She of course loved the whole experience and is still talking about it. She loves the attention, her medicine that she has to take, etc., etc.  We always knew she would be the first trauma-related ER visit for our family. Sigh* My lesson learned from all of this is that it really doesn't matter how specialized a facility is, if it takes 6 hours to get 3 stitches it isn't worth it. I could have probably taken A to Denver and gotten it done faster! Next time we'll be heading to one of the Penrose/St Francis hospitals. The drive will be worth it!

J then had his 9 month check-up today. I love the checkups without shots. Just a weight, some measurements, discussion on why my boys are always developmentally delayed, and we're out the door! J weighs 22# 8 oz and is 31 in long. That puts his height/length in the 99-100th percentile range (freaking tall!) and his weight at the 79th percentile. That's all well and good, you say, seeing has how we always have tall stocky children, but get this.... J is actually bigger then D was at this age!! J outweighs D's 9 mo stats by 12 oz and is 2 in taller!! What?? D is already a year and a half ahead of his age size-wise, what does this mean for J? Lol! My boys are going to be drafted before they can drive! :) Oh well, at least they are healthy and happy.

A will once again finish out our "Visit Medical professionals" week with a check up visit for her lip and possible suture removal (if it hasn't dissolved). I'm hoping this is a REALLY quick appointment as I'm just going to take all three. It seems ridiculous to find child care for what is probably a 5 min visit. By the way, A is looking forward to her visit! :)

I can say that I am grateful that my children see the Dr's and medical staff as helpers and not the enemy. It makes these adventures so much more tolerable and fun.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Ohmigoodness! Sounds like little Miss Abi is going to give her brothers a run for their money! I hate to admit it, but my first reaction was..."Awesome!" I love little gals with no fear. I'll keep you in my prayers that you don't have to make TOO many runs to the ER though!