Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Birthday Epiphany

This past weekend I celebrated my 34th birthday. Part of my present from my husband was a shopping trip so I could get some much needed clothes. I don't tend to buy myself clothes very often for some reason. I guess I am not all that confident in picking out trendy clothes that fit my body, so I tend to stick with a few basics and wear them until their threadbare. Honestly, I still have a few articles of clothing that I bought in college. Mostly shoes, as I'm 30+ lbs heavier then I was in college(currently working on that). Also for that past 4 years I've been pregnant or nursing and haven't felt it practical to invest in new clothes when my weight was varying so dramatically.  We are done with babies for now, so it was time for some clothes.

The last time I did major shopping for myself I simply went down to Old Navy and picked out things that I liked and fit my budget. Sadly my budget hasn't changed much since college/ early professional years, but to my surprise my taste has. Saturday, I took my husband with my to Old Navy to get some jeans and a few shirts. I was some what taken aback to find that I couldn't find ANY style that I liked, much less fit me correctly. It was then that I realized... "Wake up! You aren't a teenager/college student anymore!" I found all the styles sloppy and the clothes cheaply made. I even sound old, don't I? Here's the kicker though... after leaving Old Navy with only socks, we headed to JC Penny's where to my surprise I found Levi's (never thought I could afford these before) and shirts that I loved! They fit me the way that clothes are supposed to and were attractive while yet fitting of my age.  I never would have dreamed I would be shopping at JC Penny's and love the clothes I found!  What's even weirder is that I'm ok with it.  Too often our society pushes us to live, dress, and act like we are in our early 20's and shuns those who have gotten "old". Well I'm embracing my mid-30's and enjoying more mature styles of well-made clothes. :)


Michele said...

Good for you!! Happy belated birthday! Glad you enjoyed it!

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday - a little late, thought of sending a card but then I forgot..... glad you had some fun shopping time, sounds wonderful!

m said...

belated happy birthday and i'm glad you had a good time shopping.why not do it often?:)