Monday, October 19, 2009

Terrific Twos!

The title of this post is me "speaking" positive things into our newest two-year old! She is quite the stubborn, independent girl and bears constant watching and correcting. That said though, she is the most loving, tender-hearted, motherly little girl. She LOVES being a girl. Abi loves to play with her babies (feed them, dress them, discipline them, etc.), color pictures, dance, snuggle, irritate her older brother, read books, do puzzles and help mama in the kitchen. She's far more girly then I ever remember being and I love that. I pray that as she continues to grow she would be comfortable and content with who she is as a girl, would love with abandon, and would always be the joy she is right now. Thank you Lord for our beautiful, precocious two year old. Happy Birthday Pookie!

Our newborn little princess!

Beautiful Two-Year Old!

Here are a few picks from Abi's birthday "party" the night of her birthday.

Yeah! Happy Birthday!

Make a wish!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday sweet Abi!