Our trip to Vail was fabulous, but a little short. I anticipated the trip for 9 weeks and it was over in 48 hours. It was nice, even for a short time, to sleep, eat, read, watch TV, talk to my husband, go for walks, and soak in the hot tub, whenever I pleased. We had a beautiful jr suite with a living room and fireplace. It was perfect to curl up in front of. The weather wasn't cold and snowy but the scenery was still beautiful even with all the leaves gone. The kids enjoyed their time at Grammie's and Gramps house too!
We've had some unseasonally warm weather lately so we've taken the opportunity to get out and play. The kids love "raking" the leaves and jumping in! One day they had so many tiny bits of leaves all over them that I had to run them through the shower. :)
A is very curious and into everything. I have to be careful about leaving fruit on the counter within her reach as she'll pull it down and start eating it. Today she pulled down a bunch of bananas and took at least one bite out of all but one, peel and all! I didn't even know banana peel was edible. I used the remainders to make food for J! He'll never be the wiser. :)
D is a voracious "reader". He loves for me to read his books from the library to him a couple of times so he can memorize them and then read them to himself. We are still working on learning to read phonetically and he is progressing fairly well. I still feel that he's just memorizing and I often catch him not even looking at the words. *Sigh!
J is by far our giggliest, most talkative baby. He loves to smile and laugh, especially at his older brother. I think he feels smothered by A, so isn't all that happy usually to see her coming. D, however, plays really well with him. He can almost sit up by himself and tries really hard to do so, though most times ends up on his belly, which he hates. He is eating solid foods like a champ though still prefers milk and gets excited when he even sees an empty bottle. We'll be taking him in soon for his check-up and I'm sure that he's going to out weigh A but probably not D. D was 19 1/2 lbs at 6 mos. J will be close but not quite.
Throwing the leaves. This may be how they got so dirty!
Hard at play.
Such a little "helper"
A decked out in her smock from Grandma F. and coloring with all her new "art supplies".
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