Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My First's First..

Yesterday we got the long awaited call that Dean finally had a spot in the Kindergarten at CMCA. We hurriedly went shopping last night for uniforms and supplies and dropped him off at 12:00 today for his first day (he's in afternoon K). He was so excited and though wasn't sure of all the routines and procedures was happy to jump right in and figure it out. I am so proud of how much he's grown and how bold he is. I'm excited to see all that he learns and how he grows this school year. Also, a big "shout out" to CMCA's staff for making this transition so easy on both student and parent. One of the big reasons we chose this school was for how welcome they make parents feel. I truly felt that they are partnering with Kyle and I in training and teaching our son! Yeah!
First day of school in his uniform.

Showing off the spiderman backpack that he picked out.

So ready to go!

Did you get a good picture of my backpack? :)

Mama (and Kaity) in the Kindergarten hallway. Kyle felt the need to take a picture of me. :)

Dean sitting in his class line listening to stories and songs while awaiting school to start.

1 comment:

SarahinOK said...

woo hoo! So excited for you that he got in! Just in time!!! Yeah!!!!