Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sibling comparisons

Today J and K went in for their checkups. Miss K is now 22.5 in (88%) and 9lbs 3ozs (38%). What a growth spurt. She's grown almost 2 inches and gained almost 3 lbs since her last Dr's appt on 6/3. She is longer and heavier then A was at this age. She doesn't look that big because she is so long. It's good to know that she is gaining and eating well! J is 35.5 in (75%) (they must have not measured well at his last visit as there is no way he's shrunk! they had him at 36 1/4 at 18 mos) and 35 lbs (100%). J is shorter and heavier then D was at this age. Lol! I guess he's our little linebacker!

So can you guess who's who? My children definitely bear a resemblance to each other, but I think also maintain their own unique looks.

Age 10 days

 Age 7 days

Age 12 days

Age 20 days


Tefa said...

#1: Abi, definitely.
#2: difficult, but Dean.
#3: Jack. I had a hard time between Jack and Dean, but I'm pretty positive.
#4: Kaity. :)

Terra said...

Yeah Tefa! Good job!