Recently a friend was able to put into words exactly how I've been feeling lately. It feels like I live a "Groundhog Day" existence (the movie, not the actual holiday). Everyday is an almost exact duplicate of the one before. The same toys are picked up, the same clothes washed, the same food prepared(esp. when one's husband isn't home often for dinner), the same books read, the same Leap frog video watched. You get the picture. I cherish the weekends (when my husband isn't working) just for a break in the monotony, and special date nights or events are even better. I know that soon enough my days will be so varied and different I'll long slightly for these days of sameness. I will continue to try to cherish the present, even when it seems to stretch on forever!
In other unrelated news... A seems to be regressing in her potty training (and baby sister isn't even here yet). Lately she's pooed or peed her pants everyday. She really doesn't seem to care and when I put her back in pull-ups or diapers she doesn't care either. I know this girl is way smart enough to have figured things out, so it must just be an attention getting thing. Either way, I'm tired of it all. D was SOOO much easier to train!
I hope that other Moms can chime in here, but Noa has gone through several phases of potty training - just when it seems she's got it all figured out, she just loses interest in some part of it and regresses. But each time that has happened, she has come back around to what she previously learned. We stuck to simple reminder-phrases, like "pee-pee/poo-poo goes in the potty!", even when it seemed to go in one ear and out the other. In the middle of it all, it's just utterly frustrating, though. Poo in your child's panties is just one of those things that's hard to put a positive spin on!
yes... Thank God for seasons.
I can tell you though, with some certainty that Thursday or Friday will be slightly different than the other days... :) Watch your mail over the next few days... something left Jenks on Tuesday and it's headed your way to break up your monotony! :) I wish I had sent a potty training magical pill for A, but no... :) sorry! :)
Mandi, I guess it's all about expectations. D was sooo easy once we started. He was completely trained in about a month and never regressed. I guess I was expecting A to be easier. Washing poo out of panties has got to be one of the worst things!
Sarah, I look forward to a break in my routine this week. Thanks! I know that next year when D is in school life will change dramatically. Though I will miss him some, I am looking forward to the change!
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