Friday, October 29, 2010

Red Robin

We decided to take A out for dinner on her actual birthday this year. Not so much because she asked for it as Mama wasn't feeling well enough to cook. :) Red Robin seems to be a kid-friendly restaurant so that's where we headed. We realized it was the first time A and J had ever been to eat in an actual sit-down restaurant and the first time as a family we had gone out. Wow! It was exhausting. The kids were generally well behaved and enjoyed themselves immensely, but it was still a lot of work. This may be a once a year occurrence for us! They do still talk about it though, so while it was hard on the parents it was well appreciated by the kiddos!

Lovin' Red Robin

Sweet lil' birthday girl.

J even enjoyed himself.

A with the Red Robin. She would only get so close.

Very focused on her coloring.

Happy boy!

A watching as the staff sing Happy Birthday to her.

Sharing with mama!

Red Robin was understanding enough to give us TWO free birthday sundaes to avoid any jealousy. D devoured his!

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