Monday, August 30, 2010


K's younger brother got married this weekend. It made me nostalgic for the days of freedom, before kids. I think my three preschoolers are starting to get to me. :) They are good little sinners for the most part, but I miss having the time and resources to get away with my husband. We still do manage once a year or so, but it just doesn't seem like enough. *sigh! Here are some pics from the day:

Just like Daddy!

J and Grammie waiting for pictures.

A loving being all dressed up!

Wearing Daddy's hat.

G, E, and C hanging out.

Funny how we all bring cameras to a photo shoot. :)

N really was more excited to be there then this pic reveals. :)

The cousins were the first ones out on the dance floor and the last to leave.

A was fascinated by the live band.

D found his tie a handy thing to chew on. Argh!

The kids really did enjoy themselves.

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