Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010 New Year's Goals (and '09 goal report)

2009 Goal Report

1. Gain a healthy 20-25 lbs with my pregnancy, have a healthy delivery, and then lose my pregnancy weight plus 10 lbs.  Well, I gained closer to 40 lbs with my pregnancy and have yet to lose it all, much less the extra 10 lbs. However I did have a healthy delivery and a happy baby boy!

2. Potty train D by May and possible A by the end of the year.  D is potty-trained, though it didn't happen by May. He just wasn't ready. A is very close and I am looking at getting her trained this week even. So, while I didn't quite meet this goal I got pretty close!

3. Read more non-fiction this year. I didn't get any where near accomplishing this goal. After having J I just wanted entertainment so read tons and tons of fiction. I did get in a few non-fiction this year, but not nearly as much as I should have. I did join a book club though and while we haven't read any non-fiction yet; we are reading more challenging fiction and books I wouldn't have picked up myself.

4. Get settled in a new community and find a way to be more involved in church.  As often happens in life, our plans to move fell through and we are still in the same house has we have been for the past 4 1/2 years. We finished up our commitment to the church plant in Denver and then started attending a church back here in the Springs. Over the fall I got involved in MOPS, Bible study, a book club, and our sunday school community. So in one sense I did achieve this goal, but not in the way I thought I would. I am finding that being involved with others in the same stage of life has kept me sane, given me more self-confidence, and helped me to feel more at peace with my world.

On to 2010:

1. Lose 50-55 lbs. With my husband's encouragement and no pregnancy to derail my efforts this year, I am determined to get healthy and in shape. I know that carrying less weight will give me energy, self-confidence, and motivation to accomplish more and keep up with my children. Starting tomorrow I'm doing a weekly challenge of exercise, no sugar, drinking water, and healthy foods. Should be fun!

2. Develop my spiritual disciplines. I have been struggling with spiritual disciplines pretty much ever since I knew I was supposed to do them. For a long time though my motivations have been all wrong. I've been focused on what I needed to do to be a "good Christian" instead of just my need for God. Lately I've been realizing that prayer and Bible reading don't make me a better mom, wife, friend, sister, etc.; they make me good. Without God's help I am not good at anything, much less trying to be better. I need the discipline to help me grow in my faith and to teach my children how to be disciplined in their life.

3. Potty train A. It will seem like heaven to me to only have one in diapers. As mentioned above this may be one of my first goals accomplished!

4. Learn to be content in all circumstances. I don't know if our lives will change all that much this year. There is always the potential that they could, but they may not too. I must learn to be content with where God has us and make the most of it. While I like to hope for better/different things, I must be grateful for what I have. This goal may be a life long process, but I would like to see myself make some strides forward in this and really grow up a little.

5. Continue to build and cultivate new friendships. It has been a long time since I really have had close close friends. Do to some apathy and busyness on my part and just life circumstances I've let a lot of good friendships fade away. I know that I need one or two or three good girl friends that I can truly live life with. I am praying for God to lead me and I will do my part to reach out and help them grow.

So there are my 2010 goals! Happy New Year's all and may all your goals be reached!


Jonathan Fashbaugh said...

I would love to be one of those new friends! Or an old friend that you spend more time with. Thanks for being real, Terra. You are a breath of fresh air for those of us who love you! ~ amanda

Michele said...

You go girl!!! You are so good at setting and keeping up with the goals you do set. (I have no idea what my goals were that I set at the beginning of the year!) You totally motivate me!!