A friend of mine did this on her blog and I thought it was a good exercise for me as we are going into the New Year. Here are the top 10 things I am thankful for from '09!
1. The healthy delivery and first 7 months of life of my little boy J. In spite of having to come early due to complications, being hospitalized at 2 mos for RSV, and having outpatient surgery at 7 mos; Jackson has been a happy content little boy. He is growing like a weed and continually delights us with his sweet belly laughs. Though he was unexpected I am forever grateful to God for blessing us with him.
2. My amazing husband who, in spite of a struggling economy, hasn't given up on finding creative ways to get jobs and make money. He is an amazing provider! I am thankful for the leadership, love, and strength he brings to our family.
3. Our two toddlers. Unfortunately both D and A have hit the terrible two's at the same time. Yet in between temper tantrums and just general stubbornness, we see some beautiful characteristics coming out of them. They continue to amaze us with their knowledge, perceptiveness, and tenderness! They too are blessings.
4. For the new friends and community we are finding at church. Through Sunday school, MOPS, and women's Bible study I am finding a wealth of new friends that are sharpening me and challenging me. They also give me an outlet for adult conversation. I find that I am a better wife and mom because of having friends!
5. Our new mini-van! I know it sounds dorky, but it has really been a huge blessing to us. It's so convenient and spacious. We have taken a few trips in it and it has been a breeze!
6. God's creative provision in our lives. We have seen Him provide for us in ways we never dreamed possible! From gifts from family to refunds from unexpected places. We haven't been living in excess, but our needs have all been met!
7. For the opportunity to see extended family this past summer. It is hard to do any kind of lengthy travel to see family, so it was a huge blessing for us to have family come to Colorado this past summer! We thoroughly enjoyed the long weekend.
8. Our 5th anniversary get-a-way! We were able to leave all three kids at Grammie's and go to Vail for a few days. Thanks to saved up Marriot points we were able to do the whole trip very cheaply. It was such a blessing to spend time just as couple without children. I think we should try and do this once a year so as to not lose our identity as husband and wife in the midst of being parents.
9. Our 112 year old house. This is a hard one for me, because I spend most of my time focusing on all that needs to be fixed in our old house and how we can't afford it. However, I must be thankful for the fact that it is spacious, warm, still standing (after 100+ years), and that it is ours. I am the worst at playing the comparison game and always finding someone who has it better then me and yet I need to remember just how much better I have it then so many others... and be grateful!
10. While '09 has been a hard year for us Fisks' emotionally, spiritually and financially, I am thankful for God seeing us through and for strengthening our faith in this time. It is only because of hard times that we appreciate the good. We have learned the difference between need and want; and are in the process of being content with wherever God has us. I hope and pray that '10 has different lessons for us, but if not, I will continue to thank God for His many blessings in our life!
1 comment:
Amen! Great list and can't wait to see how God blesses you this year!
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