Sunday, May 2, 2010

Finally Well

After what seems like an eternity, but was only about 8 weeks all of the kiddos are finally well. No more coughing, runny noses, goopy eyes, etc. PTL! I am happy that my children are well and no longer suffering from those nasty viruses, but I am also convicted that the real reason I'm so elated that they are well is that them being sick is very hard work for me and rather an inconvenience to my plans. Yet what else am I supposed to be doing then carrying for my kids. God has given them to me for this time to train, raise, and care for them and by my actions and attitude I tell God that I have bigger and better plans for myself and as long as the kids don't get in my way then I'm fine. Ouch! Forgive me God for my selfishness once again and help to live and rejoice in living in your plan for me. Also thank You for their health! It is by your grace that they all have a base level of good health. Help me to not take that for granted.

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