Monday, December 28, 2009

This year, in order to make Christmas day celebrations with family a little less chaotic we had the cousins all exchange presents early with a little "Cousin's Christmas Party".  It was a huge success and  a lot of fun to host. The kids all played really well together and enjoyed their new gifts.  A and D here enjoying muffins, fruit and yogurt.

The eight oldest cousins (all under 6) at the table eating! Auntie E is sitting with them too. :)

D and A sitting with K waiting to give their presents. There was quite a bit of confusion as to what they were to do with the presents. Before long they all started opening the presents that they were supposed to give.  lol!

A picture of the aftermath. A is actually playing with a toy she got for her birthday a few months ago. Kids are fickle I guess.

J in his new Bumpkins bib. We love it and actually got one for A for Christmas. I highly recommend.

Beautiful Auntie E and J.

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