Monday, December 28, 2009

We had a wonderful peaceful Christmas this year. Because of budget constraints we really had to be creative with gifts this year. We were able to spend under $200 though on all our gifts while still giving meaningful and special gifts. Who says that you have to spend a lot. Two weekends before Christmas we had all of our holiday parties and enjoyed visiting with all of our friends and family. The week of Christmas was pretty low key. K didn't have much work to do so was home with the kids, which they loved. D ended up getting sick the 23rd-25th so we were forced not to do as much as we might have otherwise. Christmas Eve I took the younger two to Grammie's house for dinner and presents and then headed to church for the service. Unfortunately we only made it through half the service as A was not in the mood for quiet reverent worship and was being quite disruptive. Oh well at least we were there. On Christmas it was my turn to stay home with D so after a lazy quiet Christmas morning and afternoon K took the younger two to his family Christmas gathering. What an amazing husband I have as I'm sure it was quite a feat to keep track of those two in that crowd. I enjoyed the time alone with my son.

We celebrated Advent for the first time this year and I really think it added so much to the season for me. I found that my focus was far less on gifts, obligations, etc. and more on the anticipation of Christ and His worship. What a beautiful holiday this is!

Our sweet J on his first Christmas.

The boys were up first on Christmas and anxiously waiting for A to wake up.

D and A starting to open presents.

K and D setting up D's new race track!

A loves being a "mommy"!

J and the new blanket I made him for Christmas.

K and D opening a bunch of building blocks. Great father and son time.

A with all her accessories for her babies. She is in heaven with all these things to take care of her little ones.

Chillin' with daddy. Notice A still not far from her baby.

All of us having our Christmas dinner that Daddy so lovingly prepared. It was a rather fancy meal for toddlers but so delicious.

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